Friday, January 11, 2013

Dual view gaming (split screen Full screen!)-Any passive 3D TV can do it now!! COD Demo - Video-View

I did the below on my LG but any passive 3D TV will be able to do this. * Pop the right lense out on one and left one out on the other. I say pop because you simply need small screwdriver or nail as i used and the inner seal pops right out and just take lense out. (LG party pack) * Setup Tv ready for testing...I used black ops split screen, then choose 3D top / bottom. * swap the lenses over to the other glasses, not turned round or anything **important** to confirm youve got pair matched correctly test on the TV by holding up you'll get a clear 2D picture. Hold up other glasses and lense and youll get a different clear picture. * I just then carefully trimmed the lenses so they'd fit in and they still fill the hole completely. * click the lense holder back around and your done. Now with LG's technology regarding its 3D mode and way it does 4 frames in the 120hz band (this is how it got full 3d HD accreditation) you get 1080i graphics so looks fine and no major loss in detail......its worth it for the private part knowing that the person on the other screen cant see your screen. Please give thumbs up if ive helped or your impressed. Many companies will be selling this on next yrs TV's i expect which will be more refined, but todays tv's can do it.

Open Cydia, click on manage on the bottom, click on sources in the middle... click edit on the top right, then add on top left. Then, type in this link Once it is complete, click "RETURN TO CYDIA"... Then open the file that has downloaded (should be called LEIMobile T-Mobile....) then scroll to the bottom and find the T-Mobile MMS Fix which should be the last thing on the list... click on it, then install it... once u install, REBOOT your phone using the reboot device button on bottom... Then go to SETTINGS then GENERAL then NETWORK then CELLULAR DATA NETWORK then The MMSC, MMS Proxy, MMS Max Size, and MMS UA Prof URL are already filled in by the LEI MMS Fix you just installed... after that go to NETWORK button, top left, or turn your phone off... then turn it back on... This should enable you to send and receive... it might take a few mins at first... but it has been working sucessfully for me thus far. this really works. FOR THE ONES WHO SAY IT DOESNT WORK FOR THEM try this to add MMS go to : settings-general-network-cellular data network add this in MMS field : APN: username: leave blank password: leave blank MMSC: MMS proxy: MMS MAX MESSAGE SIZE: leave blank MMS UA prof URL:leave blank then reboot ur iphone then the pic icon will show up in the messages app, i hope this works

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